Solar Ritual as of 02-02-02!
and related
Qabalistic Tables of Correspondences,
followed by useful
First Principles of Self Transformation!
Liber Resh vel Helios - 2: Expanded Adorations of the Sun.
Initial Adoration:
Dawn, to East, Golden Light, Give Sign of Air.
Recite: "Hail
unto Thee who art Ra in Thy Rising, even unto Thee who art Ra in Thy Strength,
who travelest over the Heavens in Thy Bark at the Dawn-hour of the Sun! Tahuti
standeth in His Splendor at the Prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth in His Glory at the
Helm! Hail unto Thee from the abodes of the Midnight Sun of Khephra!"
Noon, to South, Fire-Light, Give Sign of Fire. Recite as above but with : "Ahathoor, Triumphing, Beauty, Noon-hour, from the abodes of the Rising Sun of Ra!"
Sunset, to West, Sky-Blue Light, Give Sign of Water. "Atum, Descending, Joy, Setting, from the abodes of the Noon-day Sun of Ahathoor!"
Midnight, to North, Earth-Green or Black Light, Give Sign of Earth. "Khephra, Hiding, Silence, Midnight-hour, from the abodes of the Setting Sun of Atum!"
Give and Hold Elemental Sign through initial Adoration, while assuming the God-form of the Sun in that Quarter (i.e., as if the You & the God had the same form, a Human with the Head of a Hawk, Cow, Man, and Beetle respectively, & were both giving that Sign in Adoration of THAT which is beyond both), until giving Signs of the Enterer and Silence (with Names of Ra-Hoor-Khuit & Hoor-Paar-Kraat) and assuming those God-forms, right after initial Adoration. Continue with rest of Adoration in your own Charged Body of Light.
Recite "Strike, strike the Master Chord; Draw, draw the Flaming Sword; Crowned Child and Conquering Lord, Horus, Avenger!" (Ring Bell & Draw Sword. Can draw Circle over head with "Crowned Child", Line down to Yesod (9) (and projected to Malkuth (10)) with "Conquering Lord", back up to Tipharet (6) with "Horus" and up/out to Infinity while giving Sign of Apophis & Typhon ("X" Sign) with "Avenger". Thus extended upward continue with 1st of the 6 Adorations below. (Or one can then return with Sign of Silence & "Hoor-Paar-Kraat", for very fast "Thelemic Cross" anytime or use another Thelemic Cross with nearly the same form but with a different recitation and beginning which follows at the 6th Solar Adoration. (and see "Liber V vel Reguli")).
Recite all 6 Solar Adoration verses (in bold) from Obverse of Stele of Revealing, with Visualizations, (in smaller print) and Rousing of the Citadels (of the Middle Pillar) with the respective Element, with the resulting Charging of the Body of Light or whole Aura as a Star or Sun, by Light Radiated from the Filament or Axis of the Middle Pillar. The Ritual thus circulates the Solar Light down to the material Universe, the physical body, and the whole sphere of the individuals life, as follows:
Active Spirit centering on Brilliant White Kether-Point (1) at Crown of Head.
(See an Infinite
"Above, the gemmed azure is The naked splendor of Nuit;
Circle spiral in on
Brilliant Point just above
She bends in ecstasy to kiss the secret ardors of Hadit.
Point becomes Winged Globe
The winged globe, the starry blue, Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-Khonsu!
Infinite Stars)
Air Element as Bright Yellow Diamond-Prism at Daath (11) at Throat.
(Dawn. Ego-Mind. See linkFire Element as Rose-Gold Sun-Heart at Tipharet (6) at Solar Plexis.
(Noon. Heart-center. KetherWater Element as Indigo-Violet Orb at Yesod (9) at Genitals.
(Sunset. Seat of Power (Id).Earth Element as if you were standing on Horizontal Equal Armed Cross of
Yellow, Blue, Black, & Red, (in E, W, N, & S arms) centered on Brilliant
Polychromatic Orb At feet (10).
"The Light is mine; its rays consume Me: I have made a secret door
Passive Spirit Energizing Middle Pillar & Shining Out to Aura defined by
"Infinite" Circle drawn by hand over head.
"By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat; By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell
Lastly to seal the Current of Solar Light (666) recite:
"The Letters are Five, the Letters are Six, Eleven are the
Letters: Abrahadabra!"
The appropriate Pentagram and/or the Solar Unicursal Hexagram may be added prior to Initial Adoration before giving (and holding) Elemental Sign. Also the Pentagrams for each Element may be drawn or projected at beginning of the respective Adorations from the Stele as one Rouses the Citadels of the Middle Pillar, from Active Spirit at Kether, to Air at Daath, to Fire at Tipharet, to Water at Yesod, to Earth at Malkuth, and to Passive Spirit as the whole Aura/Body of Light.
Also the "A Ka Dua.." Adoration may be added after "Unity uttermost showed..." as a second, deeper, Adoration at Tipharet to reflect "the Sun behind the Sun", and to make the total Adorations Seven instead of (actually "as well as") Six to reflect the Goddess through and above the Suns.
Also a last Adoration may be added just before "The Letters are 5...", as from the Gnostic Mass: "Thou who art I beyond all I am...", or the credo from Liber Reguli: "I also am a Star in Space, unique and Self-existent...", or any that Adores the Holy Guardian Angel as ones True Self.
The order of Active and Passive Spirit may be reversed if desired, but the order of the Elements used here is that of the apparent cycle of the Sun through Day & Night, and of the Ritual Circle when moving Deosil, clockwise, and of the Chakras from Daath to Malkuth (all below the Abyss), and (with Spirit first and last) of the 6 verses of the Solar Adorations from the Stele of Revealing, and of the first 6 "steps" of the OTO, Minerval to Perfect Initiate, and so gives the correct order of the Elements from the Thelemic Point of View, replacing the usual "IHVH" order of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, when Worshiping Our Lord in the Macrocosm, the Sun. It shows a continuous Cycle rather then a linear sequence. The Whole is to be assimilated by Meditation following the Ritual.
Solar (Microcosmic, Terrestrial, Winds) Cycle Correspondences
(w/ Pre & Post)(0.) 1. 2. 3. 4. (5.)
(Spirit) Air Fire Water Earth (Spirit+Experience)
(Pre-being) Dawn Noon Sunset Midnight (Post-being)
(None) Spring Summer Fall Winter (All at Once)
(None) 1st Q. Full Moon 3rd Q. Dark Moon (All at Once)
(Beforelife) Birth Life Death Afterlife (Withdrawn from Cycle)
(Baseline) Tension Charge Discharge Relaxation (Baseline)
(Above) East South West North (Below)
(Ptah) Ra-Hawk Ahathor-Cow Atum-Man Kephra-Beetle (Set)
(Amoun) Shu Heru Isis Set (Nephthys)
(Nuit) Hadit Therion Babalon Nuit (Hadit)
(Pre-Tarot) Fool Aeon Hanged Man Universe (All Tarot Cards)
(Superconscious) Inspiration Lucidity Ecstasy Thought (Subconsciousness)
(True Self) Eye Heart Genitals Feet (Whole Body)
(Star) Mind Soul Flesh World (Star+Experience)
(Kether) Daath Tiphareth Yesod Malkuth (Whole Structure)
I N I T I A T I O N:
(Pre Incarn), Man at First, Seed/Bindu, Babe Growing, Mature Adult, (New Man)
( ) Mere-hum Virgin Babe Beast (Initiate)
( ) - Hermes Dionysus Pan -
( ) Heirophant-V Hermit-I Fool- A Devil-O (Heirophant-V)
(Minerval-0) Initiation-I Consecration-II Devotion-III Exaltation-IV (Perfection-P.I.)
("Above the...) "I am the... "Unity utter... "Appear on... "The Light is... ("By Bes-na-Maut...)
For practical Tools to help you help yourself try the following!
First Principles
. Be Lucid, Seek Gnosis, Know Thyself, Thou Art That.
0. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
00. Lift up Thyself. Love is the law, love under will.
000. In Nomine Babalon: It’s all-right here, I Embrace It All, IO PAN!
1. By Myself, I choose the Meaning I desire, and make it True.
2. I will remember my Kingship, Godhood, Star-self: "Be Thou Hadit"
3. I give Myself the Right/ Permission, to determine my Reality & my World however I Will.
4. I don’t need to remember/feel "that" right now, if not assisting my Will.
5. Disconnect from worries: Find one thing you can do to deal practically with Adversity (in the Greater Context of Ability) while consciously relaxing.
6. Be on the physical Now when stressed or anxious, not in past trauma or future worries.
7. Realize: Experience unfolds the way you respond to it,, & that the Meaning of things is in our attitude towards them.
8. Turn into the skid, feel your feelings, own your experiences, try to choose to be your real self.
9. Know that every mood/reality tunnel changes in time to another. Suffering passes, joys return.
10. What you think, your body believes, and will make you feel. Think Strength.
11. Prophecies of Success are also self-fulfilling; reject self-defeating statements, use affirmations & internal mental self-praise all day long.
12. Always do at least one more past when you want to stop, push past all limits, do 11 rather then 10 of anything, 23 rather then 20, 56 rather then 50, 111 rather then 100, etc.
13. Remember "in the Greater Context of" to resolve any apparent conflict/paradox at a higher linguistic meta-level, i.e. "Anger in the Greater Context of Acceptance", "Suffering in the Greater Context of Ecstacy", "Lies in the Greater Context of Truth", etc.
14. Let the Ritual (the Whole of Life) be ever unto Nuit. Aspire always to the absolute.
15. "By waking up in my Dreams I Inspire Revelation & Inform my Dreambody of Its True Intentions." "I see my hands in my Dreams, I Know I am Lucid Dreaming."
16. Invoke Often: First & Last Thelemic Godforms, Resh, Qoph, Babalon Adoration, Purification & Consecration, Star Ruby, Star Saphire, Liber Reguli, Rousing of the Citadels/Middle Pillar Ritual, Mass of the Phoenix, Gnostic Mass, other Eucharists, etc.
17. Use deep steady breath, pranayama meditation, for emotional Tranquility.
18. Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass and are done; but there is that which remains.
19. Fear not at all. Fear neither men nor gods nor Fates nor anything. Money fear not, nor laughter of the folk folly; nor any other power in heaven or upon the earth or under the earth. Nu is your refuge as Hadit your light, and I am the strength, force, vigor, of your arms.
20. Endure and Conquer.
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